Scan2CAD Python API


Extract raster images from PDF files:

in_dir = "path/to/input_directory"

pdfs = s2c.list(in_dir, "pdf")
for p in pdfs:
    pp =, s2c.join(in_dir, p.get_name()))

Vectorize images in a directory:

in_dir = "path/to/input_directory"
preset = s2c.Preset()

imgs = s2c.list(in_dir, "png")
for i in imgs:
    r =
    v = r.vectorize(preset)

List of classes

Classes used for accessing files

class s2c.FilePath(path)

Holds file’s path. Use this to load files with open() method.

Currently we support three types of files: Raster(), Vector(), PDF().


Returns File object that opens file at path provided during initialization


Retruns path provided during initialization (can be relative or absolute)


Returns absolute path


Returns name with extension


Returns name without extension


Returns file extension

class s2c.File(path)

Base class for all file types that are supported

class s2c.Raster(path: s2c.FilePath)

Class representing raster files


Applies threshold raster effect on this image

segment(colors=6, definition=3)

Applies segment raster effect on this image


Rotates raster image by 90 degrees in requested direction

remove_speckles_and_holes(speckle_size, hole_size)

Applies raster effect: remove speckles and holes


Applies raster effect: smooth


Applies raster effect: auto deskew


Applies raster effect: thicken


Applies raster effect: thin


Saves this raster image under the given path


Vectorizes this image and returns Vector() object

class s2c.Vector(path)
scale(length_in_pixels, length_in_unit, unit: s2c.Unit)

Sets vector scale in requested unit

save(path=None, type=1)

Saves this vector image under the given path


Saves this vector image to PDF file


Saves this vector to as raster file

class s2c.PDF(path)

Class representing PDF files

Loads PDF file using provided FilePath instance

save(type, path)

Saves PDF file in one of supported formats, see FileType() class


class s2c.list(path, extension='')

Lists files in the directory.


extension – can be a string or a list of strings.

class s2c.join(path, *paths)

Joins paths together using platform-specific path separators

class s2c.PDFsInDirToDxfs(in_dir, out_dir)

Extracts vector data in DXF format from all PDF files in the directory

class s2c.FileType

Enumeration with all types supported by FilePath and File (Raster, Vector, PDF)

PDF = 2

class s2c.Preset

Structure used to define settings used in vectorization

In order to change advanced settings, modify these members:
  • self.technical,

  • self.ocr,

  • self.outline,

  • self.solid.

class Method
Technical = 1
Outline = 2
Solid = 3
class Option
Vectorize = 1
OCR = 2
VectorizeOCR = 3
class Predefined
Architectural = 1
Electrical = 2
Mechanical = 3
CNCProfile = 4
SitePlan = 5
ContourMap = 6
Sketch = 7
Outline = 8
class Languages
English = 1
German = 2
French = 3
Italian = 4
Japanese = 5
JapaneseEnglish = 6
Polish = 7
Spanish = 8
class Technical

Structure holding additional settings for Technical vectorization

polyline_identification = False
line_width = 14
line_deviation_factor = 2.2
arc_identification = True
arc_min_radius = 6
bezier_identification = False
circle_identification = True
circle_radius = 6
arrow_identification = True
arrow_max_head_length = 64
dash_line_identification = True
dash_line_max_length = 45
dash_line_max_gap = 45
hatch_identification = True
hatch_angle = 45
hatch_angle_tolerance = 12
orthogonal_snap = True
orthogonal_snap_tolerance = 8
snap_to_30 = False
snap_to_45 = False
snap_to_60 = False
snap_to_120 = False
snap_to_135 = False
snap_to_150 = False
snap_tolerance = 8
corner_snap = 8
corner_snap_tolerance = 6
pass_thro_snap = 3
gap_jump_distance = 4
loose_ends_length = 7
connect_thro_vectors = True
class OCR

Structure holding additional settings for OCR

char_size_max = 75
char_size_min = 9
recognition = 60
exclude_intersecting = True
vertical = False
angular = False
document_is_only_text = False
class Outline

Structure holding additional settings for Outline vectorization

class Types
Bezier = 1
PolyBezier = 2
Polyline = 3
LinesArcs = 4
class Bias
Angular = 1
Curves = 2
definition = 20
bias_orthogonal = False
bias = 2
type = 4
class Solid

Structure holding additional settings for Solid vectorization

class Types
Polygon = 1
PolyBezier = 2
class Bias
Angular = 1
Curves = 2
definition = 5
identify_circles = True
bias_orthogonal = False
bias = 2
type = 2
method = 1

Determines vectorization mode.

option = 1

Determines option type (relevant only for Technical vectorization).

language = 1

Determines OCR language (relevant only when OCR is enabled).

color = False

If enabled output vector will contain color. Ingored for Method.Solid().

load(pre: s2c.Preset.Predefined)

Preloads chosen preset